Autogen (Open Street Maps-based automatically generated objects)
Various 3D objects (houses, trees, roads e.t.c.) can be placed on surface of landscape (on photoscenery as well as on default X-Plane textures). Although X-Plane itself generates some 3D objects their distribution does not match the distribution of real-life objects. To find the right place for 3D objects the data from Open Scenery Maps are commonly used. The generation is carried out automatically by various scripts. Such automatically generated objects are called "autogen".
Two types of autogen is available for the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- VFR Project
- World2XPlane
These two types of sceneries cannot be combined together. One must choose either VFR Project or World2XPlane scenery.
VFR Project uses "facades" from external libraries for creating of 3D objects. Thats means script check data from Open Street Maps and form the objects from the facades based on shape of buildings. Contrary to VFR Project the World2XPlane directly select pre-formed objects themselves from external libraries (OpenSceneryX, R2Library, FFLibrary a Model Library) based on shape of buildings in Open Street Maps.
Each of these sceneries has advantages and disadvantages. The following evaluation is subjective opinion of World2XPlane user. In case of VFR Project, the buildings have uniformous look with flat roofs and poor colours. Roads does not match the real ones as well as in the case of World2XPlane. In case of World2XPlane the buildings have variable shape and colours and thats the reason I use it. On the other hand many automatically generated markants (churches e.t.c.) are missing in the World2XPlane scenery and the scenery is little bit over-lighted at night and overgrown with trees. And additionally World2XPlane scenery is still in beta version.
VFR Project
R2 Library is necessary for proper display of 3D objects of VFR Project.
Networks contains following objects: roads, railroads, high-voltage lines.
Networks for download here
Special objects
The following types of objects are included: chimneays, cooling towers, wind power plant, wind mills, water towers, BTS, billboards, helipads, solar powerplants, hunter obsessions, churches and alone-standing trees.
Special objects for download here
Houses generated by osm2xp script
Houses for Czech Republic for download here
Houses for Slovakia for download here
Automatic generation (actualization) of Networks and Special objects occurs once a week.
World2XPlane project is thoroughly descibed at World2XPlane scenery can be obtained by two ways.
- The user download an application in download section of the project. The application is run on the computer where it automatically generates the package with scenery. The application needs file with data from Open Street maps which must be downloaded before running the application somewhere. The link to the download section varies as author of the project improve the main web site. Therefore I do not post here the direct link to the download section here. I rather recomment to find the download section at individually.
- The more simple method to obtain the scenery generated by World2XPlane is downloading scenery package which was already generated by another user. The source of World2XPlane scenery packages is e.g. ( Also in this case I rather recommend to search the scenery package at individually since the links are often changed.
The World2XPlane needs four external libraries as a source of 3D objects: OpenSceneryX, R2 Library, FFLibrary and Model Library. The Model Library is included inside the package with World2XPlane application or it is available separately somewhere at
Caution: The application for generation of World2XPlane sceneries is still under construction as beta version. Because new versions are often released the links to individual parts of the World2XPlane (application for generation of objects, Model Library and already generated sceneries) often change. So no particular links are included here. Generally the application for generation of the scenery and the Model Library can be found at The already generated sceneries can be found at
Update 1.12.2015: Currently there are available already generated World2XPlane sceneries for the Czech Republic] and Slovakia directly at Accordingly to my opinion at this time these sceneries are much more better than those at Simheaven.