External libraries
External libraries serves as a source of various pre-defined objects for X-Plane. If the scenery uses the object from external library then the scenery contains only link to the object without necessity to duplicate the object within each particular scenery. The scenery only needs the access to the external library which contains the respective object. In other words if the given scenery utilize object from external library then the external library must be installed within the X-Plane.
Unless otherwise stated the external libraries should be (similarly to sceneries) placed inside the Custom Scenery floder. Contrary to sceneries the name of external library folder must not be changed.
The basic external library is OpenSceneryX. It is required by most of sceneries. Installation of OpenSceneryX is provided by special instalation application. However, the result of the installation is nothing more than simple creation of OpenSceneryX folder inside the Custom Scenery folder.
R2 Library
Most of sceneries from categories Airports and helipads, Landmarks and Autogen (Open Street Maps-based automatically generated objects) (VFR PRoject as well as World2XPlane) requires another external library - the R2 Library.
FF Library
Některé scenérie a dále objekty generované na základě OpenStreetMaps pomocí World2XPlane využívají FF Library
Některé scenérie využívají RuScenery
Model Library
Knihovna Model Library je využívána objekty generovanými na základě OpenStreetMaps pomocí World2XPlane. Knihovna Model Library je obsažena v balíčku s aplikací World2XPlane a je ke stažení v download sekci projektu World2XPlane.