
Z Xpl CZ
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Photoscenery is texture placed on the surface of the landscape. It can be obtained e.g. from Google Earth. Photoscenery replace (overlay) the default X-plane textures and it resembles the real look of the landscape from an aerial view. Photosceneries are available in different resolutions (which are called Zoom Levels, ZL) and they are packaged separately as individual squares.

  • ZL16 = the most commonly used resolution. It is sufficient resolution for common flying, however, closer look during flight at low altitude or during landing reveal the worse resolution of the texture. On te other hand, it does not consume too much space on disc and it does not have significant effect on loading of the simulator. One Square occupies approximately 2-2.5 GB on disc.
  • ZL17 = the second most common resolution. It has better resolution but at the cost of significant growth of data volume (4-times more).

The Square with photoscenery always includes some 3D terrain (Mesh) and definition of water areas. However, it depends on the author of the photoscenery which type of Mesh and water areas was included in the photoscenery. If quality of Mesh and water areas (which came with the photoscenery) is not sufficient (e.g. Mesh has poor resolution or water ares are not defined at all) then they can be upgraded by replacing the .dsf file in the photoscenery with one from another (external) source.

Sources of photosceneries

Photosceneries in ZL16 and ZL17 and sometimes also in ZL18 are available for Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Complete photoscenery for the Czech Republic and Slovakia in ZL16

Almost complete photoscenery for the Czech Republic and Slovakia in ZL17

Photosceneries in various parts of the world in ZL16


3D terrain (Mesh) and definitions of water ares are included in the photoscenery.

terén s definicí vody je nedílnou součástí ortofota, když si stáhnete nějaké ortofoto, chtě nechtě s ním dostanete i terén a řeky. Abyste měli správný terén a aktuální vodu, je možné si mesh aktualizovat, jedná se o dsf soubory, které oproti ortofoto texturám nejsou tak velké. Při instalaci akorát musíte dbát na to, aby se jednalo o stejný ZL.