Přehled scenérií pro X-Plane pro začátečníky
Tento text popisuje, jaké součásti lze využít pro vytvoření kompletní scenérie pro X-Plane
Ortofoto je textura získaná např. z Google Earth umístěná na povrch krajiny. Nahrazuje defaultní textury a odpovídá skutečnému vzhledu krajiny při leteckém pohledu. Ortofoto existuje v různých rozlišeních (Zoom Level, ZL) a je zabaleno po jednotlivých čtvercích.
Pro ČR je k dispozici:
- Kompletní ortofoto ČR (a SR) v ZL16
- Téměř kompletní ortofoto ČR v ZL17
- Různé čtverce v ZL16, ZL17 a ZL18
Objekty generované na základě Open Street Maps (OSM)
Pro ČR je k dispozici:
- VFR projekt ČR ze stránek bývalého xplane.cz
- Stránky Jirky Masníka
- World2XPlane
Decide, which type of OSM-based object you want to install. Czech VFR Project OR beta version of experimental World2XPlane Scenery are currently available. Do not install both types of sceneries together, choose either VFR project or World2XPlane Scenery (W2XPl)
Advantages and disadvantages:
Czech VFR Project use \"facades\" for generation of objects while W2XPl use preformed objects from external libraries. Therefore objects from Czech VFR projects looks very uniformly while objects from W2XPl are better looking with variable shapes and bright colours. W2XPl is, however, in beta version with potential issues resulting from this. W2XPl gives the same or little more better fps than Czech VFR project. On the other hand, there are mostly missing attractive objects such as churches e.t.c. in W2XPl.
a) Czech VFR Project
You will need R2 library for correct displaying of the objects.
3D Objects: Basic objects (CR1 objects): download Ceska Republika - Objekty Additional objects (CR2 objects): download CR2 objects only (CR2_obj_001 - CR2_obj_006 or more) do NOT use CR1_objekty (they are included in the Basic objects)
Roads: download Ceska Republika - Site
Autogen: download Ceska Republika - Autogen
b) World2XPlane Scenery
World2XPlane Scenery project is described here. You can generate the OSM-based scenery by your own using World2XPlane software and data from OSM
OR you can try to find OSM-based scenery already generated by World2XPlane here.
Note: At present, version 4.1 is for X-Plane 10.25, while version 5.1 and 6.0 is for X-Plane 10.30 only.
In any case, you will need to have installed OpenSceneryX, R2 library, FFLibrary and Model Library.
World2XPlane-generated scenery can be combined with CR2 objects (CR2_obj_001 - CR2_obj_006 or more) from Czech VFR Project mentioned above.
LKMT - Ostrava Mosnov
LKPR - Praha Ruzyne
LKTB - Brno Turany (beta version)
LKBE - Benesov
LKCM - Medlanky
LKCS - Ceske Budejovice
LKFR - Frydlant nad Ostravici
LKHK - Hradec Kralove
LKHO - Holesov
LKHS - Hosin
LKKC - Krizenec
LKKY - Kyjov
LKMB - Mlada Boleslav
LKNY - Nymburk
LKRA - Rana
LKRK - Rakovnik
LKSZ - Sazena
LKTO - Touzim
LKUL - Usti nad Labem
LK21 - Zahori
LK45 - Chotesov
Small Airports, package 1: LK01 Baska, LK04 Boritov, LK08 Ceska Lipa Rams, LK09 Ceska Trebova, LK10 Cesky dub, LK11 Dacice, LK14 Chaberice, LK16 Chotec, LK23 Charvatce, LK24 Letovice, LK26 Lomnice nad Popelkou, LK27 Melnik, LK28 Miroslav, LK31 Stremy, LK33 Opava, LK40 Ricany, LK41 Sazava, LK42 Slusovice, LK44 Kramolin, LK47 Trutnov, LK48 Teplice, LK50 Trebic, LK57 Osiciny, LK60 Borek, LK68 Frymburk, LK69 Chribska, LK71 Steti, LK72 Straznice, LK73 Druzcov, LK78 Pencin-Cihadlo, LK79 Trebon Dvorce, LK80 Skudly, LK81 Borsice, LK82 Kaplice, LK90 Vratkov, LK89 Horni Pocaply, LKPK Pisek
Small Airports, package 2: LKBR Broumov, LKBU Bubovice, LKDK Dvur Kralove, LKJA Jaromer, LKLB Liberec, LKNM Nove Mesto nad Metuji, LKVR Vrchlabi
Some airports and sceneries can request object from external libraries
R2 library
Setting of gritty textures (great especially for helicopter flying) available here, czech language only.
Note: It is recommended to name sceneries alphabetically e.g. as follows:
airports: beginning of the alphabet (e.g. airport_LKPR or apt_LKTB e.t.c.) Czech VFR Project (including CR2 objects): after airports, before OSM-based sceneries (e.g. CR1_objekty, obj_CR1_objekty e.t.c.) OSM-based sceneries (World2XPlane-generated scenery): after Czech VFR Project, before photo sceneries (e.g. OSM_Czech_Republic, openstreetmaps_Slovakia e.t.c.) photo sceneries: end of the alphabet (e.g. z_ortophoto_49_13 or zPhotoXP_HradecKralove e.t.c.) external libraires: never change the original name of library !!!!
Important: delete file scenery_packs.ini which is located in Custom Scenery folder, delete the file always when you make changes in Custom Scenery folder